Stipulated Agreements

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Updated on: March 17, 2025

Very few eviction cases filed in Oregon go to trial. More commonly, the case is settled using a stipulated agreement. When a landlord files an eviction case in Oregon, the court schedules a First Appearance hearing. What happens at that hearing determines how the case will proceed through the multi-step eviction process. If the tenant misses that hearing, a judgment of eviction will be issued against the tenant by default. If the landlord misses that hearing, the case will be dismissed. Landlords can also request that a case be dismissed at a First Appearance hearing, if the tenant has paid the amount on the notice or has moved-out. 

When both parties are present at the First Appearance hearing and the case remains unresolved, the two parties have two options; they can either settle the case using a stipulated agreement or request that the case be set for trial. More frequently than not, the parties chose to use a stipulated agreement instead of going to trial.

Stipulated agreements are a written agreement about the conditions under which the eviction case can be dismissed. At the First Appearance hearing, the judge will ask if both parties wish to take a few minutes to discuss the terms and conditions under which the landlord is willing to dismiss the case. If the tenant agrees to terms the landlord finds acceptable, the two parties will write out the terms of the agreement and submit that to the court. The courts provide a templated form that the parties can fil in at the court. This is what the court-provided form looks like in Multnomah County.  Oregon’s landlord/tenant law (ORS 105.146) establishes what can and cannot be included in stipulated agreement. If all of the terms and conditions of the agreement are met, the eviction case will eventually be dismissed.   

The circumstances under which the two sides discuss and decide the terms of the agreement vary widely from courthouse to courthouse. Depending on where in Oregon the eviction case is filed, the circumstances under which the tenant has to decide whether or not to sign a stipulated agreement vary widely. In some courthouses, the tenant is directed to speak with the landlord about a possible agreement before they are able to speak with a judge. In other courthouses, the judge will describe the tenants options to them before sending the tenant and the landlord away to discuss a possible agreement. In some counties, the court provides mediators to assist the parties in coming to an agreement; mediators do not serve as advocates for either party. If a tenant has an attorney or secures representation at the hearing, the attorney will advocate for the tenant in the negotiation. Depending on how many cases are on the docket on a given day the landlord and tenant may have more or less time to come to an agreement. 

The two most common types of stipulated agreements are agreements to move-out and agreements to stay-and-pay.

  • Agreements to move-out include a date and time by which the tenant agrees to move-out of the unit. 

  • Agreements to stay-and-pay allow the tenant to remain in the unit if they make any and all payments included in the agreement. Some agreements include a single payment and others include a payment plan with multiple payments. Agreements to stay-and-pay can also require that the tenant pay up to three months of future rent on time. 

  • A smaller number of agreements in ‘for cause’ eviction cases may set other terms under which the tenant will change behaviors or become compliant with their lease.

Stipulated agreements are court-enforced agreements, meaning if the terms and conditions are not met, the landlord can request that a judgment of eviction be issued against the tenant for failure to comply with the agreement. Submitting the agreement to the court is only the first step of a stipulated agreement. After the court has reviewed the terms of the agreement, the case remains in limbo until the last of the terms detailed in the agreement have been met, or the date by which the tenant has to meet them has passed. During the period in which the agreement is still active, the landlord may submit an affidavit of noncompliance to the court if they believe the tenant has failed to meet the terms included in the agreement.

When an affidavit of noncompliance is submitted to the court, a judge will issue a judgment of eviction based on noncompliance. The court notifies the tenant that a judgment of eviction has been issued against them by mail. Included in the paperwork mailed to the tenant, are instructions on how to request a hearing to stay, or pause, the eviction process if the tenant believes they have complied with the agreement. If the tenant does not request a hearing, the judgment of eviction stands and they must vacate the unit by the date included on the judgment of eviction. If they do not vacate the unit by that date, the landlord can hire the sheriffs to execute a lockout.

If the tenant requests a hearing, a noncompliance hearing will be scheduled. At the hearing, the judge will only hear arguments and consider evidence related to the terms of the agreement. If the judge determines that the terms of the agreement have been met, they will withdraw the judgment of eviction and the agreement remains in effect until the case is dismissed or a new affidavit of noncompliance is submitted. If the judge determines that the terms of the agreement have not been met, the judgement of eviction remains in effect and the case is over. 

Court data changes frequently, as cases move through the process and the court records are updated.